Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pardon me while I play catch-up

Ok- so I have decided that I really stink at this whole blog thing. I know that it has been a while and I guess I feel only so bad since I do have 5 kids, a husband, and am trying to do art and run a crazy household. I have been really thinking though- especially now that the kids are back in school and my littlest is in preschool 4 mornings a week that I need to get more serious about all this if I want to make this into something real. Here is my attempt to catch up and hopefully do a better job!

Forest Through the Trees
Oil on Board

Oil on Paper
(I know I should post the size, but it is on loan so I will have to get back to you on that one)
If interested in purchasing please leave me a message with an email address and I will get back to you a price

Jelly Fish

Another recycled project. This was an entry for an Ocean theme. I used all sorts of "trash" from my garage including plastic soda bottles, bubble wrap and some other sort of plastic covering that came on something. It won honorable mention. I think it would be really cute in a child's bedroom hanging from the ceiling.
(close-up view)
(hanging in the gallery window)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Other Sold Pieces....

Oil on Paper
Mixed Media on Handmade papers

I was looking through some photos of my art today and decided that I would post a few more that I had sold.  I know that I need to do a better job with updates- and actually taking more photos of my art work.  I realized that I have a few I have sold, but no photo- and a few on loan that need photos taken as well!  It is really challenging to keep up with all I want/ need to do.  

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Paper or Plastic

I created this project for a recycled sculpture entry.  It is called Paper or Plastic.  I had a lot of fun with this one.  The tree is actually a branch that I covered with news paper and the birds are made out of plastic bags (they were a real pain to stitch together).  I think it turned out well though.
A friend of mine is going to borrow this to use as a display in the window of her children's shop.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Morning Mist
Oil on Board- SOLD
Why are things so hard to start?  This blog has been up and coming for way too long.  It actually had a beginning elsewhere at another time, but was lost along the way.  So here I am again setting up and starting over.  I am not a writer, so forgive me for my mismatched sentences.  I am an artist.  I enjoy the whole creative process- well not the days when I sit and stare at a blank canvas pleading with my brain to come up with an idea, but I LOVE to be creative.  I am passionate about oil painting  and find myself drawn to contemporary & abstract art.  Creating makes me feel like a happy and whole person.